State Historical Society of Missouri
Contemporary Artists CollectionCurator of Art Collections for The State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSMO), Joan Stack PhD, selected the painting, Winter Sunset Looking North—Cottonwood Grove, for their permanent collection. This is the last of the Brian Mahieu paintings they have acquired. The first was acquired in 1992—Soybean Field at Dusk an enigmatic nightfall painting from his early career. Painted en plein air in the McBaine riverbottoms. When Brian moved from Missouri the Historical Society recorded an oral history, obtained his papers and acquired three self portraits and a painting of the view from his first studio.
Featured on the cover of Missouri Historical Review
Brian’s painting Winter Sunset Looking North—Cottonwood Grove is featured on the cover of Missouri Historical Review, vol. 114, no. 2, January 2020. A publication of SHSMO, the Missouri Historical Review is a quarterly illustrated journal.
KBIA Missouri Public Radio/Video
Today Paul Pepper visits with Joan Stack, Curator of Art Collections at The State Historical Society of Missouri.