The Last Missouri Paintings
The paintings on this page were displayed from May 3—June 25, 2016 at Orr Street Studios.
They are the final paintings Brian Mahieu did in Missouri, wrapping up a thirty year career of painting the Missouri River Valley, primarily at dusk. Brian has moved to Washington State.
I view my move to Washington State as a springboard into the second phase of my artistic life capturing one of the most diverse landscapes in the United States—from the wild rocky beaches to the rain forests, mountains, glaciers, hot springs, tulip farms, deserts and wine country. I have a lifetime of new subjects awaiting me! Brian Mahieu

Paintings in this Collection

Plein air oil on linen
20 x 16 inches

Plein air oil on canvas
14 x 11 inches

Plein air oil on canvas
18 x 14 inches

Plein air oil on linen
24 x 18 inches

Plein air oil on canvas
18 x 14 inches

Plein air oil on canvas
36 x 24 inches

Plein air oil on linen
18 x 14 inches

Plein air oil on linen
18 x 24 inches

Plein air oil on linen
20 x 16 inches